The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Sunday, 29 July 2018 Christ, 14 Shravan 1425 Bangabd, 15 Zilkbad 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.
This is a real picture of rural Bengal. Although farmers do not go out with cows nowadays. Because of the mill plow and mechanical methods, the practice of plowing with cows has almost disappeared. However, sometimes such a scene is seen.
Village people are now becoming like city people. Now, if you go to the village, you can see that everything is being done with electricity. Mills, mills, factories are all happening in the village. Because of power tillers, power tillers are used for everything from plowing to bringing crops home. And this is how the people of the village have become accustomed. In one word, everything seems to be changing. The touch of digital seems to have reached even the village people of Bangladesh. Still, let Bangladesh move forward.
Photo: Courtesy of
This post was last modified on জুলাই ২৫, ২০১৮ 10:15 am
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ মার্কিন সংবাদমাধ্যম ভয়েস অব আমেরিকার ১৩০০ জনেরও বেশি কর্মীকে ছুটিতে…
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ সম্প্রতি ভাইরাল হওয়া এক ভিডিওতে মহিলা জানিয়েছেন, তার স্বামী ১১…
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ শুভ সকাল। সোমবার, ১৭ মার্চ ২০২৫ খৃস্টাব্দ, ৩ চৈত্র ১৪৩১…
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