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The SAARC countries are being invited to take the oath of Imran Khan

The Dhaka Times Desk The SAARC countries are being invited to take the oath of Imran Khan. It is reported that Imran, the head of the country's political party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former cricketer, will take the oath on August 11.

ইমরান খানের শপথে আমন্ত্রণিত হচ্ছেন সার্কভূক্ত দেশগুলো 1ইমরান খানের শপথে আমন্ত্রণিত হচ্ছেন সার্কভূক্ত দেশগুলো 1

It is reported that South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries are being considered for the swearing-in ceremony of Imran Khan as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

It is reported that Imran Khan, head of the country's political party Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), will take the oath on August 11. This information was given in a report of Times of India citing a leader of PTI.

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The PTI leader said that heads of SAARC countries including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be invited to Imran Khan's swearing-in ceremony. A decision in this regard will be taken soon.

Imran Khan's spokesperson Fawad Chowdhury has given a positive hint about inviting Modi to the swearing-in ceremony. He said that a decision will be taken soon in a meeting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi telephoned Imran Khan on Monday as Pakistan won a majority in the recently concluded national elections. Meanwhile, he expressed hope that Pakistan and India will work together to improve the relations between the two countries.

Note that the national election was held in Pakistan on July 25. According to Election Commission announcement, Imran's party PTI has won 115 seats. However, according to the rules, 137 seats are required for a single majority in the country's parliament. That is why Imran Khan has to form a coalition government.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৩১, ২০১৮ 9:14 pm

Staff reporter

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