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What you need to do to keep the brain stress-free

If the body is a car then the mind is its driver

The Dhaka Times Desk The brain controls our entire body. That is, if the body is a car, then the mind is its driver. What will happen to the car if the driver suddenly falls asleep while driving? Accidents will happen and that is normal. Our brain is just such a driver.

If the brain suddenly stops working or driving, then we will also be victims of major accidents. So we must always take care that our brain does not fall asleep or get tired due to excessive stress. So let's know how to keep our brain stress free.

1. Keeping yourself free from worry:

Never overthink anything. That is, when you realize that while thinking about something, it is causing a lot of stress on your brain, then stop thinking about it. Because thinking about stress like this for a while can cause your brain to lose control. So stop that thinking and enjoy the view of nature's open air and green vegetation for some time. Then the brain will be freed from that pressure. Later you will regain the mindset to think about that matter again.

2. Have a good chat with family or friends:

When you realize that your brain is under a lot of pressure for some reason or you are too worried about solving a problem, spend some time indulging in good stories with family or friends. You will see that your brain is back to normal.

3. Avoid loneliness in urgent moments:

A moment of urgency here refers to a time when you are alone thinking about a pressing problem but can't come up with a solution. At this time people lose confidence in themselves and think that there is no other way to get rid of this deadly danger. As a result, a lot of pressure is created on his brain and hemorrhaging in the brain can start. So get rid of loneliness as soon as possible and go to free environment and try to have some laugh and joke with others. You will see that pressure in your brain will gradually decrease. As a result, you will regain the mindset to think about the previous matter well.

4. Try to be confident:

Never lose faith in yourself while doing any work. Because if you lose faith in yourself, your brain will also lose control over you. So think of any difficult matter simply. Suppose you are taking an exam. There is only one hour left but you have to answer many questions and write them based on your intelligence. At that time, he thought that it might not be possible for you to answer everything in this time. So he started thinking fast. This will put a lot of stress on your brain and you won't be able to think and write quickly anyway. On the other hand, if you look at the subject simply, you can think and write quickly. Because this time your brain will not be under much pressure.

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