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Electricity will be generated from crab shells

Research by a group of scientists has revealed that it is possible to generate electricity from crab shells.

The Dhaka Times Desk Electricity is one of the most important things in today's world. Therefore, to meet this huge demand for electricity, scientists have constantly invented various techniques for generating electricity. However, there is still a lack of demand. To meet this demand, Indian scientists are going to add another new source of electricity generation.

বিদ্যুৎ তৈরি হবে কাঁকড়ার খোল থেকে 1

A group of scientists from India's Jadavpur University has discovered that it is possible to generate electricity from crab shells. Jadavpur University Physics Professor Parthapratim Roy, Professor Sukhen Das, Research Scholar, Noor Amin, a research team of eight people have published this information after doing a lot of research.

According to their report, a material called chitin nanofibers (CNFs) is harvested from crab shells. This CNF is harvested by extracting a special mechanical protein and minerals from crab shells. Based on CNFs, it is possible to create piezoelectric nanogenerators (PENGs), which can generate electrical energy through simple actions such as walking, talking, pulse pulsing, driving a car, and finger movements.

Currently, PNG is not environmentally friendly. It contributes to environmental degradation. Besides, it costs a lot to make this PNG. Therefore, the use of such PENGs in health-related devices such as pacemakers may be harmful to health. But researchers claim that CNF, a material collected from crab shells, is eco-friendly, non-toxic and blends easily with the environment. It is an environmentally friendly, yet strong, reusable and sustainable material. Scientists believe that this discovery will play a major role in advancing the modern world.

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