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The Tragedy of Savar Reshma was not allowed to talk to the media

The Dhaka Times Desk The much-talked-about Reshma, who was rescued alive 17 days after the Savar Rana Plaza collapse, is now living in a dilapidated cottage in Kashigari, Ghoraghat, Dinajpur. But he is not allowed to talk to reporters. A lot of confusion has been created about this.

According to media sources, Reshma reached home in a Pajero jeep last Thursday, June 20. He was accompanied by two travel companions, including an official from his current workplace, the Westin Hotel. But the locals could not meet him. Could not even speak. He was kept under the pretext of illness.

It is known that upazila executive officer Maqsuda Begum Siddika and police station officer-in-charge Zahid Hossain rushed to Reshma's house with a police van as soon as they got the news. The upazila executive officer clarified that no media will be able to interview Reshma. Even media people can't speak a word to her (Reshma). Can only take pictures. He warned others including brothers, sisters, mother of the family not to allow any journalist to talk to Reshma.

When the Upazila Nirbahi Officer was asked about this, he mentioned Reshma's physical illness. He said, Reshma seemed to be completely healthy. The administration is seen to be quite concerned about Reshma's safety. That is why the officials of Hotel Westin have been repeatedly pressured to take Reshma to Dhaka by Friday afternoon. But Reshma wants to stay at her birthplace for another 5/6 days. When they wanted to forcefully send him to Dhaka, he cried once. When the news of Reshma's return home spread, people flocked to her house to have a glimpse. There are many rumors in the area about why he is being kept away from the media because of his illness.

The eager crowd waited eagerly to hear Reshma's experience of being detained for 17 days. But in the end they went back disappointed. Many people question why the administration is doing so much? What are their interests? Such questions are now in the public mind.

This post was last modified on জুন ২২, ২০১৩ 1:52 pm

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