Categories: Lifestyle

The secret of the greatness of Kishoreganj's walls

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to benefit, you can benefit people not only with money but also by applying various strategies and intelligence. A primary school teacher of Kishoreganj district created such a unique example.

This teacher named Nazneen Mishti has been thinking about how to serve people for a long time. He saw the plight of the people very closely and knew the pitiful state of their poverty. He realizes how they are deprived of daily necessities due to lack of little money. As he could not afford to help people financially, he thought of other ways. And based on this idea, he developed a unique way of human service in his working school.

Nazneen Mishti is a teacher of Dakshin Muksudpur Government Primary School in Sadar Upazila of Kishoreganj. Named a wall in his school 'Wall of Greatness'. On the left side of the wall is written "Leave what you don't need here." And on the right side it says, "Take what you need."

Here school students leave their unnecessary belongings. Again, among the various items kept on this wall, they can take whatever they think they need. No one has any restrictions here. Because what may be unnecessary to one may be necessary to another. As a result, it has created a wonderful way to fill various gaps among students. The walls are filled with various items ranging from clothes.

Local people are also very happy with this initiative of Nazneen. His initiative has also received massive response on social media and he has been praised. He showed us how to help people not only financially but also non-financially. If we have the mindset of participating in humanitarian service, we can serve the underprivileged people around us by taking various initiatives and also inspire others. Always remember that the joy you will feel by helping someone and putting a smile on their face, you will find no other joy in the world.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১০, ২০১৮ 1:50 pm

Raihan Malitha

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