The Dhaka Times
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An easy way to keep the house cool without AC

Looking at the electricity bill at the end of the month does not make you want to enjoy the benefits of AC.


The Dhaka Times Desk Due to the climate of our country, people have to suffer from heat for 8-9 months of the year. It is not possible to go out on the street in extreme heat and the air from the fan at home is also hot. So you can't even sleep well at home. All in all, life gets boring during summer.

এসি ছাড়ায় ঘরকে ঠাণ্ডা রাখার সহজ উপায় 1

AC is needed to get rid of this heat. But looking at the electricity bill at the end of the month, one does not want to enjoy the benefits of AC anymore. So how to get rid of this heat? Today we will learn some simple tricks that will keep our house very cool without AC.

1. If the window of the room is made of glass, keep it with a thick cloth curtain. Because the thin screen cannot resist the temperature. that
Also the curtains want to be dark in color. Because dark colored screen can absorb more heat than light colored screen.

2. Buy a curtain from the market Then put it on the window and soak it with water from time to time Then the house
The environment will be cold.

3. Place a bowl of ice in front of a small table fan. Then the room will be cold like AC.

4. Keep the ventilators in the house clean and open.

5. You can keep some plants in the house. Because trees help keep the environment cool.

6. Pour some salt into the water while mopping the house Salt water will be at room temperature

7. Do not turn on the light in the house unless necessary Use tube lights or energy saving bulbs in the house instead of light bulbs.

These above techniques will keep your house cool in hot season without AC. As a result, even if the environment is hot outside, your room will remain cool and pleasant. So try to apply these tips from today to get comfort in summer.

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