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Children's bus hit by Saudi airstrike: 43 killed

On August 9, a bus carrying children was hit by a bomb attack in the Zain area of Sa'da city

The Dhaka Times Desk Saudi airstrike on a children's bus carrying children in Yemen's northwestern Saada province. 43 people were killed and more than 61 people were injured.

সৌদি বিমান হামলার কবলে শিশুদের বাস: নিহত ৪৩ 1

Yemen's Al-Masira television channel said the bus carrying the children was hit by a bomb attack in the Zain area of Sa'da city on August 9.

The death toll has risen to 43 and more than 61 people have been injured, international media reported, quoting Abdul Gani Naib, the head of Saada's health department.

The head of the Red Cross Committee in Yemen, Johannes Brauer, said in a Twitter message that most of the dead were children. Those who are less than 10 years old.

Meanwhile, two civilians were killed when Saudi warplanes bombed the Zabid area of Yemen's western Hudaydah province.

Note that since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and some of its regional allies have been conducting military operations against Yemen.
