The Dhaka Times Desk Mustard oil has been ingrained in Bengali tradition since ancient times. At one time the only edible oil in rural Bengal was mustard oil. Starting from bharta, mustard oil is highly appreciated in making various tasty dishes including pickles, hilsa bhaji. With the evolution of time, the use of the traditional Bengali mustard oil is decreasing day by day. However, those who are aware of the properties of this oil, continue to use mustard oil regularly.
Various studies have shown that the linolenic acid present in mustard oil reduces the risk of cancer cell formation in the body. So this oil plays an important role in protecting against deadly diseases like cancer.
Mustard oil is no match for solving various skin problems including cold, fever. Besides, you can apply mustard oil to protect the body from various toxic substances in water.
Mustard oil is rich in antibacterial and antifungal properties. Massaging this oil on the skin removes bacterial infection. Applying mustard oil all over the body once a week and massaging it well increases blood flow to every corner of the body. As a result, the performance of every vital organ begins to increase. Along with that, the mobility of the body also increases visibly. It will also make your dry skin supple.
This oil has all the power to maintain the proper nutritional value of food. It also makes any cooking taste and smell appealing. Moreover, this precious oil is still exclusively used in any bhaji and bharta.
The fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) present in mustard oil rejuvenate the hair. Strengthens the hair roots and increases blood circulation to the scalp. Regular use of mustard oil reduces hair fall and makes hair thicker and darker.
Several studies have shown that regular consumption and application of mustard oil does not harm the heart. It also increases the performance of the heart. As a result, the risk of heart attack is greatly reduced.
According to the report of the World Health Organization, mustard oil contains omega three and omega 6 fatty acids which play a significant role in curing various joint pain and depression in the body.
Mustard oil maintains normal blood flow to the brain and plays a key role in preserving memory. So applying mustard oil regularly reduces the rate of stroke.
This post was last modified on জুন ৮, ২০২৩ 4:22 pm
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