Categories: Lifestyle

How to control bad habits of children

The Dhaka Times Desk Children are always imitators, they gradually learn many things by imitating adults. But many parents complain that their children do not listen to them, make unnecessary demands, are more attracted to bad deeds. Even some of their activities sometimes force parents to bow down to others.

Do you mean they themselves are responsible for all these faults? Never, parents' uncontrollable demands and excessive affection are most responsible for their unreasonable demands and unpredictable behavior. Remember that the way you raise your child from childhood will continue to influence him as he grows up. So you have to take the responsibility of controlling the bad habits of children. Today we will know how to control bad habits of children.

1. Children's job is to see something and want to get it. But you will teach him to understand that not everything comes by asking. Many of us think that the little baby wants to give a little. Don't forget to do that. Because if he wants to get it like this, his habit will become like this, he will sit anywhere looking for anything. So try to explain the pros and cons of the item in question.

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2. Give them a little pocket money while going to school and teach them how to spend that money. Help them understand that there is no point in spending extra money. Instead, there is value hidden in calculating and spending money. As a result, he will learn how to fulfill his maximum needs with limited money.

3. Teach children how to respect their elders and how to love their younger ones. But in order to teach them these habits, you also have to respect the elders and love the younger ones in front of them. First of all, I said that children love imitation, so watching you, they will also master these habits at some point.

4. Tell your relatives or neighbors not to do bad things in front of children or say bad things that children learn. Always advise them to teach something good.

5. Do others with children or encourage children to donate or help. Inspire yourself to give away your unnecessary things to others and develop an attitude of helping them in their distress. Teach him to create a mindset of understanding the suffering of others. It is not possible for a child who can perceive the suffering of others from an early age to do wrong. Because he can understand in advance how much others will suffer for any of his wrongdoings.

6. Tell your child the story of your life. Tell the story of how you got to where you are today and the ups and downs of your life. By this they will realize how difficult real life is from childhood. This will help in avoiding bad deeds and thinking about how to improve in life by doing good deeds.

7. Teach him to understand which demands you can meet and which demands you cannot meet. Learn to understand your financial situation and the exact utility of the things you want.

8. Teach children that respect cannot be bought or earned. Also give the right idea about how to earn respect and what can be done to lose that respect.

If you can teach these qualities to your child, you will gain more respect and that child will never engage in bad deeds. Since it is your responsibility to shape your child's future, initiate your child in the above from now.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৭, ২০১৮ 3:03 pm

Raihan Malitha

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