Categories: Lifestyle

What true men's fashion should look like

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people think of fashion as wearing modern style clothes. Men's fashion is only clothing? never Along with the clothes, his speech, movement, elegant behavior etc. are the men's fashion. So let's find out what real men's fashion should look like.

1. Clothing:

Clothing occupies one of the most important places in fashion. But don't think of different stylish clothes as real fashion again. True fashion refers to clothing that suits the environment. As we can give some examples, it is not fashionable to go to the office in a wedding dress and it is not fashionable to walk in the streets wearing a coat in hot weather. That is, formal wear for office, wedding wear for weddings and light clothing for hot days is the real fashion. So keeping pace with the environment is men's real fashion.

2. Correct and appropriate speech:

Another important element of true fashion is speaking correctly and appropriately. Clear enunciation, raising the voice according to the weight of the words, correct and proper speaking are in fashion. People who speak by keeping these elements of speaking in order quickly gain popularity among others. So every man should follow this element of fashion.

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3. Elegant movement:

There is also fashion in your movement. But that movement should be elegant and graceful. Entering someone's room without telling anyone. Laughing at a dead person's house or funeral, kicking something while walking down the street, suddenly standing there when someone is telling a secret, etc. are never in fashion. That is, taking someone's permission while entering someone's room, behaving according to the situation, walking politely on the street, etc. are fashions.

4. Maintaining fitness:

No one likes unfit men. Now you have to know what is meant by fitness. Giving a haircut that is desirable to everyone. Keeping a beard in everyone's preferred style or shaving regularly, keeping clean and healthy is another element of fashion.

So it can be said that if you follow these elements of fashion, you can be a real fashionable man. Omit any of these elements and you'll miss out on true fashion.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ১৯, ২০১৮ 9:05 pm

Raihan Malitha

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