The Dhaka Times
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A woman won the world with one leg!

This woman has become news in the media

The Dhaka Times Desk Only one leg is healthy. The other leg is steel. A woman named Brenna Huckabee has shocked the whole world with that leg. He has built incredible achievements.

এক পায়ে বিশ্বজয় করলেন এক নারী! 1

This woman has become news in the media. Star gymnast Brenna Huckabee was born on January 22, 1996. She participated in the 2018 Winter Paralympics, winning gold in the Snowboard and Banked Salome categories.

Brenna Huckabee became the first Paralympian to appear on the swimsuit cover of the famous 'Sports Illustrated' magazine. Brenna Huckabee learned to snowboard at the National Ability Center when she was just 15 years old. Then moved to Utah to receive professional training in snowboarding.

Brenna Huckabee won the 2015 Snowboarding World Championships. At the 2017 World Championships, Brenna Huckabee won both Snow Board and Banked Salome. Brenna Huckabee gave birth to a daughter in 2016. Even without a leg, he didn't stop. Showed to the world.

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