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How to decorate the house in a low cost

You can easily decorate your house beautifully at low cost

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone wants to decorate the guest room or bedroom of the house beautifully. However, because the materials for decorating the house are very expensive, even if you want, you cannot afford it. But today we will discuss some easy and affordable ways to decorate your house by which you can easily decorate your house beautifully at low cost.

কম খরচে কিভাবে ঘরকে সুন্দর করে সাজাবেন 1

1. Use of colorful wallpaper: You can increase the beauty of the wall by buying different floral or patterned wallpapers at affordable prices to decorate the house. They are affordable but will make your home attractive.

2. Use of plastic or paper flowers: Different types of plastic or paper flowers are available in the market, which are very cheap. You can buy these flowers and arrange them at different places in the house. If you put dust on these flowers, you can wash them with detergent after a few days and dry them again.

3. Use of small indoor plants: You can use different types of indoor plants. Trees keep room temperature normal and add beauty. But leave the plants in the sun for some time after 7 to 10 days. Then its vitality will be fine. Before spraying water, you can wipe the leaves with a soft cloth.

4. Uses of Handicrafts: By spending little money, you can make a variety of home decor items yourself. For example, you can decorate your house by making attractive things like paper vases, pen holders, and colorful dolls.

5. Correct placement of furniture: Place suitable furniture where it will look good. Having expensive furniture in the house does not increase its beauty. The right location is an important aspect of decorating the house.

6. Place some colorful fish in a glass container in one corner of the room. And leave some kachuri leaves in the water of that vessel. Also arrange colorful lights in that container. Then it will look very beautiful.

7. You can hang some beautiful pictures and place them in a prominent place on the wall. These can be your family photos or natural photos of a beautiful place.

Besides, you can increase the beauty of the room with cool rugs for sitting, designed fans, colorful curtains on the windows etc.

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