Categories: special news

Today is the holy Lailatul Barat

The Dhaka Times Desk A holy resin will appear when the sun sets on Monday. Which we call the Holy Lailatul Barat or Shabbat. Today is the most auspicious day to seek forgiveness from sins.

On this special night of today, the great Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala decides all the orders and prohibitions of the next year's life, death, sustenance, wealth, deeds, etc. On this significant night, Muslims stay awake at night in worship-worship, Zikir-Askhar, Milad-Mahfil, Nafal Namaz and Quran recitation. Many also fast today and tomorrow.

Shab Barat is called 'Lailatul Baraat'. 'Lailatu' is an Arabic word, and 'Shab' is a Persian word. The two syllables mean night. On the other hand the word 'Bara'at' means salvation, deliverance or liberation. On this night, the servants receive forgiveness from the Almighty Allah. For this reason, this night is called 'Lailatul Baraat' or Shabarat. Holy Shabbat is celebrated on the middle night of the month of Shaban. Although it is not clearly mentioned in the Quran Sharif, in the Hadith Sharif it is called as 'Lailatun Nisfi min Shaban' or the night of mid-Shaban. And the month of Ramadan will come later. Lailatul Baraat is a prelude to that month-long training. That is why it is called the muezzin or flag bearer of Ramadan.

In Bangladesh, Pakistan and India this night is better known as Shabbat. The book 'Islami Vishwakosh' published by the Islamic Foundation states that, 'One of the days of this month is called 'Shab-e-Barat' in Iran and the Indian subcontinent. Shabbat is known by different names in some regions of Southeast Asian countries. People of the Arab world call this night 'Lailatun Nisfe Min Shaban'.

From the time the sun sets, the radiance of the light of Allah Rabbul Alamin appears in the sky near the earth. Then Allah Almighty continued to say, Is there anyone seeking forgiveness, whom I will forgive, is there anyone seeking sustenance, to whom I will provide sustenance, is there anyone in danger whom I will free from danger. In fact, Shabbat is a special time to ask for forgiveness in the great court of Allah. Shabbat brings a rare opportunity to gain closeness to Allah.

And so, along with other Muslim communities in the world, this Rajini is celebrated in a religiously solemn atmosphere. Tomorrow is a public holiday on the occasion of holy Shabbat.

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President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Leader of the Opposition Begum Khaleda Zia in their separate messages on the occasion of the holy Shabbarat urged everyone to devote themselves to the work of human welfare and nation building.

This post was last modified on জুন ২৪, ২০১৩ 12:29 pm

Staff reporter

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