Categories: Lifestyle

How to change this habit of 'today not tomorrow'

The Dhaka Times Desk The brain always likes to be idle. And this is why we decide to do today's work tomorrow. Later it is seen that the work is not done on time. If you continue like this, you will have a lot of work in front of you. Then you end up in big trouble for not doing things on time. Today we will discuss how to change this bad habit.

1. Making a daily work routine:

Every man should have his daily work routine. If you follow a routine, you will be able to finish the daily work every day. The routine must be prepared the night before and make the routine by keeping the serial of when to do the work. So you don't have to worry about what to do next day.

2. Prioritize work:

Many of us work according to the routine but sometimes if a task takes too long or is too troublesome, we put it off for the next day. Have you ever thought? A task you put off for the next day is a task that will waste valuable time on other tasks the next day. So complete the day's work no matter what the problem. If necessary, devote some time from your free time to this work.

3. Always keep positive thoughts in mind:

An old idea of not being able to do something new works in us. And that's why it takes more time to do that work. Once you think that you may not be able to do this task, then various problems will arise in that task. So avoid these negative thoughts from today. Then you will see that you can finish any new work very easily.

4. Value time:

Think about the damage that can be done if the work is not done on time. Don't waste your time doing anything bad. Because if you waste time on something useless, it will be seen that you will not get enough time for any valuable work. As a result, the task is either not completed properly or remains unfinished for the next day. So make proper use of time.

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5. Take some rest after a work:

Multiple tasks should not be done continuously. This results in loss of interest or morale for further work. So after completing one task take a 5 to 7 minute rest and then start the next task again. Then the mentality towards work will be maintained. As a result, you can finish your daily work every day. So there will be no more work for the next day.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৩১, ২০১৮ 2:13 am

Raihan Malitha

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