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Punishment or penalty for violation of traffic laws

Before hitting the road with your car, you should know the traffic laws well

The Dhaka Times Desk Every country in the world has traffic laws, Bangladesh is no exception. There are various punitive measures or fines imposed on law violators to reduce traffic congestion, maintain safe road and communication environment. So if you have any kind of motorcycle, you should know the traffic laws well before hitting the road with the car. Today we will know

ট্রাফিক আইন অমান্য করলে যে অপরাধের যে শাস্তি বা জরিমানা 1

I am trying to tell you briefly what is the punishment for any crime according to the 'Motor Vehicle Act' of 1983.

1. For use of Prohibited Horn/Hydraulic Horn: Fine Tk 100 (Section: 139)

2. Disobedience of order and obstruction and refusal to furnish information: Fine 400 rupees {Section 140(1)}

3. Driving in opposite direction on one-way road: Fine Tk 200 {Section 140(2)}

4. Overspeeding or driving faster than the prescribed speed: Fine 300 rupees, Repeat offense: Fine 500 rupees
Taka (Section: 142)

5. All the crimes related to the accident which are not taken action at the police station: fine 500 taka, if the crime is repeated: fine 1000 taka
Taka (Section: 146)

6. Driving without safety: Fine from Tk 250 to Tk 1000 (Section 149)

7. Use of motor vehicle with black or excessive smoke: Fine Tk 200 (Section: 150)

8. Sale or use of vehicle in non-compliance with Motor Vehicle Act, modification of vehicle: Fine 2000 taka (Section: 151)

9. Use of motor vehicle without registration certificate or fitness certificate or route permit: fine 1500 taka, offense
Repeat: Fine 2500 (Section: 152)

10. Appointment of unlicensed agent or canvasser: Fine 500 taka, Repeat offense: Fine 1000 taka (Sec

11. Driving with excess weight or excess weight: fine 1000 taka, repeat offense: fine 2000 taka
Money (Section: 154)

12. Driving without insurance: Fine Rs 750 (Section 155)

13. Driving without permission: Fine Rs 750 (Section 156)

14. Obstruction on public road: Fine 500 taka (Section: 157)

15. Unlawful tampering with vehicle brakes or any device or vehicle body or speed governor seal or taxi meter: Penalty
500 Taka (Section: 158)

16. For all offenses for which there is no specific punishment in the Motor Vehicle Act: Fine 200 rupees, in case of repeated offences:
Penalty Rs 400 (Section: 137).

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