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What do you do when the dog bites?

You can get some solution by doing the following things keeping a cool head

The Dhaka Times Desk Such things can happen suddenly while driving on the road. And a dog chased you. So what do you do in this situation? If you know this, you can get rid of such embarrassment.

কুকুর তেড়ে আসলে আপনি কী করবেন? 1

A dog chased you while walking on the road. We may have no idea what to do when suddenly chased by a dog. If you are in such a situation, you can get some solution if you keep a cool head and do the following things.

# Dogs must never run if ever chased. Remember this will only make the dog angrier. Moreover, seeing moving objects increases the tendency of dogs to attack.

# This time you slow down to a walking pace. Stop if you need to. When the dog is calm, you can go slowly again.

# may be wondering how to stay calm. But even if it is impossible, if you fear such situations, you will lose. Don't panic. You have to manage with a cool head. Because dogs can sense people's fear.

# Never make direct eye contact with the dog. You can see through the eyes. Otherwise the dog may become more violent.

# Never stand in a face-to-face position. The animal may attack you thinking it's a big problem. If you stand side by side, you will feel lighter in his eyes.

# If you have something in hand, throw it away. This will divert the dog's attention away from you and onto the object. He will then run towards it. If you can't find anything at hand, you can pretend to throw something. This may also divert the dog's attention.
