The Dhaka Times
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321 kilograms weight down now 85!

Only those who are overweight understand how difficult it is to move

The Dhaka Times Desk It's really a wonderful thing. Can something like this happen in human life? The weight of which was once 321 kilograms has dropped to only 85 kilograms!

৩২১ কিলোগ্রাম ওজন নেমে এখন ৮৫! 1

Only those who are overweight understand how difficult it is to move. Starting from getting up and sitting down to daily activities, nothing can be done normally. Such a person has lost a lot of weight. 24-year-old American Christina Phillips could not walk a distance of only 8 feet. At this age he weighed 321 kilograms. He thought he might not survive. He lost all enthusiasm for work due to weight gain.

Still, he did not give up on life, he stood up with a new enthusiasm. He tried hard to lose weight. At last he succeeded. He lost weight through surgery, diet and exercise. Christina's current weight is 85 kg. In such a situation, he seems to have survived.

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