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Imran Khan rode a helicopter for only 55 rupees!

After coming to power, Imran has reined in the government spending of the ministers!

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan's new Prime Minister Imran Khan has been in the headlines since coming to power. After becoming the Prime Minister, this former cricketer is surprising with one decision after another.

ইমরান খান হেলিকপ্টারে চড়েন মাত্র ৫৫ টাকায়! 1

Imran Khan has stopped VIPs even traveling in first class flights with government money. Everything was going well but he made headlines by traveling in a helicopter himself. The fun is right here, his claim is that if you ride in a helicopter, it costs only 55 rupees!

After Imran came to power, he reined in the government expenditure of the ministers. He clearly stated that no one can use government money for his personal needs. The prime minister and even the president cannot do that from being an official. It is also prohibited to travel in the first row of the plane on government money. He took these decisions in a cabinet meeting.

Suddenly, after the news of Imran's helicopter ride spread, criticism started against him. He flew from one house to another in Pakistan by helicopter. His third wife lives with him.

Naturally, the news raised questions about Imran. One who wants to reduce government spending, shows how the three have the luxury of squeezing into a helicopter. Then the government of Pakistan explained that question too.

Pakistan's Information Minister Fawad Chowdhury said that the chopper journey is very cheap. It costs only 55 rupees per kilometer! He showed it again by calculating on Google!

But the local media account is quite different. According to their calculations, the cost is around 7 thousand rupees.

Imran Khan's claim is currently the laughing stock of social media. Who says, cheaper than Uber or a helicopter? The people of Pakistan do not understand why the cost of helicopters is so low!

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