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What it takes to participate in the 'World Skills Competition 2019' in Russia

The World Skills Competition will be organized in Kazan, Russia from 22 to 27 August 2019

The Dhaka Times Desk Russia has organized a competition to select skilled people called 'World Skill Competition 2019' World Skill Competition will be held in Kazan, Russia from 22nd to 27th August 2019. Bangladesh will participate in this international competition for the first time.

রাশিয়ার 'ওয়ার্ল্ড স্কিল কম্পিটিশন ২০১৯' তে অংশ গ্রহণ করতে যা লাগবে 1

National Skills Development Council (NSDC) will select the contestants for this competition in Bangladesh. This organization organized another competition to select contestants in Bangladesh. This year the rising stars will be selected by organizing departmental and national level competitions. From here the winning contestants will have the opportunity to participate in the main competition in Kazan, Russia.

First you need to register for the subject you are good at from the following website. Registration has certain conditions,

1. Registrant must be a citizen of Bangladesh.

2. Only persons born after 30 September 1997 can participate in the competition.

3. A person can only participate in one competition. If one registers in more than one competition, his/her
Registration will be cancelled. That means he cannot participate in any competition.

On which the contestants will participate in the competition.

1. fashion technology,
2. IT Software Solutions for Business,
3. Web Design and Development
4. Information Network Cabling
5. Backery,
6. cookies,
7. Confectionery and
8. Restaurant service

However, Bangladeshis can only participate in IT Software Solutions for Business, Web Design and Development and Information Network Cabling competitions.

Registration can be done to participate in the competition From this address.

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