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861 TP3T attacked. Phishing attacks are increasing day by day around the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Phishing attacks are increasing day by day all over the world. Its amount has increased by about 87 percent in the last one year. At this time, about 3 crore 73 lakh internet users from different countries have been victims of this attack.

Cyber ​​Crime

This information has been revealed in a report by the antivirus maker Kaspersky. According to the company, a phishing attack is considered to send malware to Internet users with false lures through fake e-mail messages. Through this, hackers steal the information of various organizations including the personal information of Internet users.

According to Kaspersky, almost half of phishing attacks are impersonated websites of various financial institutions. Even these attacks are carried out in the name of Yahoo, Google, Facebook and Amazon. Most of these attacks are said to target internet users in the US, UK, Russia and India.

Internet experts have suggested that everyone should come forward now to protect themselves from these phishing attacks. Source: Internet

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