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Hundreds of passengers suddenly fell ill inside the plane!

There were 521 passengers inside that Emirates Airlines flight

The Dhaka Times Desk It has been reported that more than a hundred passengers suddenly fell ill inside an Emirates Airlines flight. Some of them were hospitalized after landing. A sensation has been created in this incident.

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It is known that the plane of Emirates Airlines was going from Dubai to JFK Airport in New York, USA. A number of passengers suddenly fell ill inside the plane during the journey. Then doctors also check their health. The plane has been temporarily quarantined after the incident.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says about 100 of the passengers initially on the plane became ill. At this time the crew of the plane also reported that they too fell ill suddenly.

There were 521 passengers inside that Emirates Airlines flight. Immediately after landing, various emergency vehicles started gathering on the runway.

Emirates then tweeted that emergency medical care was being provided to sick patients. Those who are healthy will also be allowed to leave the plane, they said.

"About 100 passengers, including some crew members, reported becoming ill with fever and cough," the CDC said in a statement.

"Our public health officials are looking into the matter. Arrangements have been made to send sick passengers to local hospitals after checking their body temperature.

A spokesman for New York's mayor also confirmed to the BBC that sick passengers and crew were being taken to hospital.

Larry Coben, a passenger on the plane, also posted some pictures on Twitter. It shows that some healthy passengers are getting off the plane.

According to ABC News, before landing, the pilot reported that several passengers were coughing and their body temperature was suddenly very high.

It is unheard of for so many passengers to fall ill together inside a plane. Food poisoning has been primarily blamed for the incident.

A spokeswoman for New York's mayor said some of the passengers were coming from Mecca, Saudi Arabia. They came to know that there was a flu infection. This is also thought to be a possible cause.

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