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Learn some surprising facts about death!

Death is inevitable. So there is no end to people's curiosity about death

The Dhaka Times Desk Birth is death, it is a universal truth. No one can deny death. Because death is certain. Learn some surprising facts about that death today!

মৃত্যু সম্পর্কে কয়েকটি বিস্ময়কর তথ্য জেনে নিন! 1

Death is inevitable. So there is no end to people's curiosity about death. Many have interpreted death in many ways. There have been various studies on death. But nothing has been discovered till date to prevent death.

Many have also written poems, novels and stories about death. Today there are some surprising facts about death.

# Most people in the world die of heart disease!

# More than twice as many babies die every second as there are babies born every second of every day!

Most of the # young men die in accidents!

# On the other hand, most of the younger women died in childbirth.

# Forensic experts can tell roughly how long or how many days ago the death occurred by looking at the character of the insects attached to the corpse!

# We are all 'dying a little bit' every day! About s 50 billion cells die in the body every day!

# 4 hours after death the muscles of the body contract due to a chemical reaction. The body then begins to harden. This is called 'rigor mortis'. But after 36 hours, 'rigor mortis' started disappearing again!

# After a person dies, the pancreas and other parts of the digestive system are filled with digestive enzymes. Thus those organs start to be 'digested'. Then this process spreads throughout the body. Its name is 'autolysis'.

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