Categories: entertainment

Riaz-Poppy in advertisement together for the first time

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actor Riyaz and actress Popi are working together for the first time. However, they are not acting in any drama or movie, but in advertisements.

প্রথমবারের মতো একসঙ্গে বিজ্ঞাপনে রিয়াজ-পপি 1প্রথমবারের মতো একসঙ্গে বিজ্ঞাপনে রিয়াজ-পপি 1

They have worked together in many movies before but this is the first time they have paired up in an advertisement. The advertisement is an advertisement of a domestic soap company.

Redwan Rony is directing this new ad. He told the media, 'Riaz and Popi are working in this advertisement of mine. Doing this with them is necessary for the character. Both of them are very talented artists. Hope the audience will see them in a new way through this advertisement.'

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Poppy said about this new ad, 'I have worked with Riaz bhai in several movies before. Some plays have also worked with him. We have even done several stage performances together. But this is the first time we are working as a pair in advertising. Nice to work with Riaz bhai. The reason is that I always like to work with Riaz Bhai. He is a very talented artist, and he is also a wonderful person as a person.'

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৪, ২০১৮ 11:09 am

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