Categories: entertainment

Complaints of hurting religious sentiments: 'Jannat' movie screening announced

The Dhaka Times Desk The screening of 'Jannat' movie has been announced due to complaints of hurting religious sentiments. This incident happened last Friday at Sangeeta cinema hall in Satkhira.

ধর্মীয় অনুভূতিতে আঘাতের অভিযোগ: ‘জান্নাত’ সিনেমার প্রদর্শনী বন্ধ ঘোষণা 1ধর্মীয় অনুভূতিতে আঘাতের অভিযোগ: ‘জান্নাত’ সিনেমার প্রদর্শনী বন্ধ ঘোষণা 1

The movie 'Jannat' has been canceled due to allegations of hurting religious sentiments. This incident happened last Friday at Sangeeta cinema hall in Satkhira. Film director Mostafizur Rahman Manik confirmed the closure of the exhibition.

He said, I have heard about it. But surprised and disappointed. The greatness of Islam is highlighted in this film. It is said that Islam is a religion of peace. It also said that we should lead our lives on the path of peace like Islam. It's really sad to dismiss a film like this without understanding it.

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Superintendent of Police of Satkhira Sadar Police Station Sajjadur Rahman said that some locals have complained that the film 'Jannat' may hurt religious sentiments. This can also cause chaos. There have been many clashes over religious issues in the past. Therefore, on the basis of such complaints, the exhibition of the film has been ordered to be stopped.

It is to be noted that some Muslims of the district headquarters took out a procession complaining about the name, poster and anti-Islamic statements of the film 'Jannat'. After the matter came to the attention of the administration, the exhibition of the film was ordered to stop. The film's banner was then taken down from the theatres.

Simon-Mahi starrer 'Jannat' was released last Eid-ul-Azha. Misha Saudagar, Ali Raj and others acted in various roles in Mahiya Mahi.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ১৬, ২০১৮ 11:46 am

Staff reporter

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