The Dhaka Times
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Emon-Sarika will be seen in the new advertisement

The story of the ad is a bit unusual. Ad stories are mainly selected in accordance with the product

The Dhaka Times Desk Sarika Sabrin and Mamnoon Hasan Emon have acted together in several dramas. They also worked as models in various advertisements. This star pair will work in a new advertisement.

নতুন বিজ্ঞাপনে দেখা যাবে ইমন-সারিকাকে 1

Ad maker Akash Amin told the media that he is going to make a new hand wash ad. Sarika and Eamon are going to be the models for that ad.

The maker also said that the story of the ad is a bit exceptional. Ad stories are mainly selected in accordance with the product. The advertisement will be shot in indoor-outdoor combination.

নতুন বিজ্ঞাপনে দেখা যাবে ইমন-সারিকাকে 2

Producer Aakash Amin also said that he has already completed the video work of 5 advertisements. These include 3 ads for detergents, 1 for mosquito coils and the remaining one for cosmetic products.

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