Categories: traveling

Strategies to reduce travel expenses

The Dhaka Times Desk Your true wanderlust and a bit of awareness can reduce your travel costs by 30 to 40 percent. Today's article is about some ways to reduce travel expenses. For those who want to travel on a budget, the article will be very useful.

01. If you go suddenly without knowing about a place, as the cost increases many times, you also have to face danger. Many times the joy of traveling is lost due to lack of preconceived notions. So, wherever you decide to go, do some research about that place. Try to know the detailed information about the people, weather, nature, suitable time to travel, accommodation, prices of goods, food stalls, history of historical places, vehicles etc.

02. Talk to someone who has been there before. Anyone who has visited the place before can give you a good idea. He has real idea about accommodation cost, guide, people there, rules. Take his advice. One can also take advice/assistance of tourist agency.

03. Planning a trip is very important. Plan the trip keeping in mind your budget, number of members, time. Keep some extra budget, no matter how small, to come in handy in case of emergency.

04. Try to travel in groups rather than alone. As the cost will be reduced, you will also get good support in case of emergency. Expenses can be shared if traveling as a group.

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05. Accommodation and food costs will be much less during off season. That's why you can go in the off season. Again you can go anytime before or after the off season. Even then the cost will be slightly less.

06. It is very important to have the ability to bargain. Bargain when hiring a hotel or taxi when going out. A little scrutiny doesn't hurt. The same applies to shopping.

07. Book tickets in advance if possible. By doing this, you can buy tickets at a much cheaper price. Sometimes airlines have different offers. You can get this opportunity if you keep your eyes and ears open.

08. Public transport fares are relatively low in many places. For example, Kolkata has many buses like our BRTC buses. Their rent is quite low. Using this type of transport will undoubtedly cost less than taxi or auto.

09. can swap. Although it is still not so popular in our country. Suppose you go to Chittagong, a friend there hosts you. Again when he comes to your area you are his host. It will save the living expenses of both of them.

10. When you go somewhere, try to eat what the local people eat. By doing this, the cost will be less and you will get a new taste in the food.

11. When we travel we tend to eat a lot which makes us tired. Keep this in mind. You can eat your fill in the morning. It will give energy to the body throughout the day. Lunch should be light. You can eat a little heavy food again at night. Make sure everything you eat is rich in carbohydrates. Because traveling consumes a lot of calories from the body.

12. Avoid holidays if possible. Because there are more people at this time, besides the crowd, the prices of the goods are also higher.

13. Many organizations often offer free travel in exchange for volunteer work, although this requires going through a vetting process. You can use these opportunities. You can find such opportunities from this website called Youth Opportunities.

Roughly keeping these things in mind can reduce travel costs a lot. And yes, you can travel for free if you want! That's why you have to be a wanderer.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২১, ২০১৮ 9:18 pm

Shahriar Siam

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