Categories: traveling

Some essential tips for travel enthusiasts

The Dhaka Times Desk Your true wanderlust mind and a bit of awareness have been shaped into today's article in some ways. We should arrange all the tasks so that each task can have a different fun. So all work should be done by planning.

1. Plan in advance what you will do throughout the day on the tour. This will save you time throughout the day, and you will be well prepared for all kinds of situations.

2. Decide in advance how much money you will spend on the tour. Then spend according to the budget. Keep in mind, if you are unaccountable in this case, you may face various problems starting from major disasters!

3. If staying in a hotel, check the hotel rent and incidentals in advance. And if you camp, make sure of its usefulness and safety.

4. There is no guarantee that everything will be smooth sailing on the tour. Even if you don't want to, many unwanted troubles may come up. How to handle them, it is better to take the preliminary preparation in advance.

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5. What to eat and what time to sleep - although apparently many people do not give importance to these things, but they are an indispensable part of life. So fix a list in advance.

6. It is better to avoid the tourist restaurants. Wander around where you visit, eat where the locals eat. The cost will be reduced significantly.

7. Go for a trip when there are fewer tourists than during peak travel season. Summer holidays or year-end winter break are considered to be the best seasons to travel. You can go at any time close to it without going at this time. However, off-season travel is not recommended at all.

8. You can eat at a restaurant or have a picnic at a sightseeing spot while traveling. In this you can understand the local culture and customs very closely.

9. Buses are the best way to travel within a city from one place to another. If you don't have proper knowledge about the destination, you can often get into a very unpleasant situation in a taxi or rent-a-car.

10. Apart from walking, traveling by bus is the most economical. If you rent a car from rent-a-car and drive yourself, be aware of the traffic laws and drive.

11. Be careful where you park your car, as the risk of theft increases if thieves recognize a tourist's car.

12. When traveling from one city to another in a country, do your best to find out what means of transport you will use.

13. Carry a bottle of water. Refill water in this bottle from restaurant or hotel. Otherwise you have to buy a bottle of water. Unbelievable but true, just cutting out the cost of bottled water will save you a significant amount of money that you can spend on shopping.

14. Many small but essential things we forget to take while traveling. It can be toothbrush, paste, shaving cream or razor. Sometimes a phone charger. In this case you don't have to go out to buy it. Hotels have a lot of these items. You can buy such necessary items from the hotel at a nominal cost.

15. If you're traveling in summer or somewhere with warm weather, stay in a hotel that has only cold water, not hot and cold water.

16. One way to get to know their culture in less time and cost-effectively while visiting a country is to try to participate in a local festival. For example, India's Holi, Brazil's Rio Festival, USA's Christmas etc.

17. If you want to save the cost of the trip and also ensure safety, then you can travel in a group or group of friends.

18. If you travel from one city to another or long distances by train or car, do so at night. It will also save you the cost of staying at a hotel for the night, and once you get used to it, you can sleep in the car. But keep your bags and valuables under control.

19. Of course, before going anywhere, get to know the place well from the website and tour guidebook. Find out what offers are going on at the respective hotels or airlines using tourism websites, mobile apps and compare prices.

The last thing that should not be forgotten is the first aid box. Carry medicine for fever, upset stomach, acidity, vomiting, headache in a small pouch with clothes. Also take band aid, antiseptic, quantity of cotton and gauze. If they are with them, it is possible to avoid many big dangers.

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৮ 4:30 pm

Shahriar Siam

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