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Now coming Turkish TV serial 'Jannat'

International award-winning Turkish long-form TV series 'Jannat'. From October 7, ATN Bangla will be broadcast every Sunday to Thursday at 9:30 PM

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi TV channels are winning foreign serials. Several TV serials including the Turkish serial 'Sultan Suleiman' have also gained popularity.

এবার আসছে তুর্কি টিভি সিরিয়াল ‘জান্নাত’ 1

Bengali dubbed TV series have gained immense popularity in recent times. Keeping that continuity, the international award-winning Turkish TV series 'Jannat' is coming to Bangladesh. From October 7, ATN Bangla will be broadcast every Sunday to Thursday at 9:30 PM.

It is known that the story of 'Jannat' serial is a pure family story, it is also the best story of the present time. The story of 'Jannat' revolves around the life struggle of an orphan girl. A girl who grew up in poverty gets a job in her dream firm as an architect. At last, the misery of his life seems to have started to disappear. But from the incident of getting that job, a new complication started to arise in his life.

The mother who once abandoned him comes back into his life. He came into her life not with motherly love, but with intense hatred towards her. On the other hand, the love that comes in his life, his rival is another daughter of his mother. Deepak Suman of 'Sultan Suleiman' fame is supervising the entire dubbing process of this serial.

It should be noted that the production company of the Turkish daily soap 'Jannat' released in 2017 is 'Suraj Film'. This serial was earlier aired on Turkish channel 'ATV'. 'Jannat' is directed by Sadullah Jaylen.

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