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Complete form of various medical tests for diagnosis

The Dhaka Times Desk Doctors recommend various types of medical tests to diagnose the disease properly. They write the names of those tests in short. They want to know the names of those tests. Today we will know the full names of those short medical tests.

AST : :aspartate aminotransferase @(sgot)
ALT : :alanine aminotransferase@ (sgpt)
ALP : : alkaline phosphatase
ALT : alanine aminotransferase
AF : : atrial fibrillation
AIDS : acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
AKA: alcoholic ketoacidosis
ALL : acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
AMI : acute myocardial infarction
ARF: acute renal failure
BT : : bleeding time
CBC: :complete blood count
CXR: : X-ray chest (PA view)
CABG: coronary artery bypass graft
CCF: congestive cardiac failure
CF: cystic fibrosis
CHD: coronary heart disease
CNS: central nervous system
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPAP: continuous positive airway pressure
CRF: chronic renal failure
CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
CT: computer mography
CCK: :cholecystokinin
CVA: cerebrovascular accident (stroke)
CVD: cardiovascular disease
CT : : clotting time
CCK: :cholecystokinin
CAH: congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Ca:: calcium
CP: :complete picture of blood
DKA: diabetic ketoacidosis
DU: duodenal ulcer
DVT: deep vein thrombosis
ECG: electrocardiography/or cardiogram
EEG: electroencephalogram
ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate
ESRD: end-stage renal disease
FPG: fasting plasma glucose
GGT: gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
GGT: : gamma glutamyl transpeptidase
GTT: : glucose tolerance test
GIT: gastrointestinal tract
GU: gastric ulcer
GvHD: graft versus host disease
HTN : : high/ blood pressure,@hyper tension
HAV: hepatitis A virus
HBV: hepatitis B virus
Hcg: human chorionic gonadotrophin @ PT : :pregnancy test (by urine)
HAV : : hepatitis A virus
HBV @ HBs Ag hepatitise B antigen
HCV hepatitis: C virus
HIV: human immunodeficiency virus
HNA: heparin neutralizing activity
IHD: ischemic heart disease
Ig: immunoglobulin
INR: : international normalized ratio/rate
IM: intramuscular
ICH: intracranial haemorrhage
IDA: iron deficiency anemia
IDDM: insulin dependent (type 1) diabetes mellitus
IFG: impaired fasting glucose
IGT: impaired glucose tolerance
ITU: intensive therapy unit
IV: Intravenous
IVU: intravenous urogram
KUB: kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray)/ US
LBBB: left bundle branch block
LCM: left costal margin
LFTs: liver function tests
LDH: : lactae dehydrogenase
LFT: liver function test
LIF: left iliac fossa
LUQ: left upper quadrant
LVF: left ventricular failure
LVH: left ventricular hypertrophy
LBBB: left bundle branch block
LCM: left costal margin
LFTs: liver function tests
LFT: liver function test
LDH: : lactae dehydrogenase
LIF: left iliac fossa
LUQ: left upper quadrant
LVF: left ventricular failure
LVH: left ventricular hypertrophy
MC&S: microscopy, culture & sensitivity
MCH: mean cell haemoglobin
MI: myocardial infarction
Min: minutes
MPD: myeloproliferative disease
MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
MS : multiple sclerosis or mass spectroscopy
Na:: sodium
NaCl: sodium chloride
OA: Osteoarthritis
OCP: oral contraceptive pill
PACWP; pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure
PB: peripheral blood
PBC: primary biliary cirrhosis
PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention
PCL: plasma cell leukemia
PE: pulmonary embolism
PR: per rectum
PT: : prothrombin time
PV : : per vagina
PV: plasma volume
PAD: peripheral arterial disease
PaO2: partial pressure of O2 in arterial blood
PV : : per vagina
PV: plasma volume
RAS: renal angiotensin system or renal artery stenosis
RBBB: right bundle branch block
RBCs: red blood cells
RCC: red blood cell count
Rh: Rhesus (monkey)
RA : : Rheumatoid arthritis
RA : : Rheumatoid arthritis
RIF: right iliac fossa
RUQ: right upper quadrant
SGOT : : serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
SGPT : : serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
SXR: skull x-ray
SC: subcutaneous
SDH: subdural haemorrhage
SOB: shortness of breath
SM: smooth muscle
SVC: superior vena cava
SVCO: superior vena caval obstruction
SXR: skull x-ray
T°: temperature
t1/2: half-life
T4: thyroxine
TA: temporal arteritis
TB: Tuberculosis
TFT: thyroid function test
TIAs: transient ischemic attacks
TPO: thyroid peroxidase
TRAB: thyrotropin receptor antibodies
TSH : thyroid-stimulating hormone
TT: thrombin time
TLC : : total leukocytes count
u/U: units
UC: ulcerative colitis
U&E: urea and electrolytes
UCE: : urea creatinine & electrolytes
URTI: upper respiratory tract infection
UTI: urinary tract infection
USS: ultrasound scan
VIII: C factor VIII clotting activity
VIP: vasoactive intestinal peptide
Vit K: vitamin K
VSD: ventricular septal defect
WBC: white blood cells

This post was last modified on সেপ্টেম্বর ২৪, ২০১৮ 9:29 am

Raihan Malitha

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