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Foods that will increase your height

Eating right and exercising regularly can help increase height even after a certain age

The Dhaka Times Desk The trend of increasing height is observed in almost every country. Especially those who are a little shorter than normal height try to increase their height in different ways. Human body has a certain period of growth in height. According to experts, usually after the age of 25, the growth of the human body almost stops. However, eating right and exercising regularly can help increase height even after this age.

Today we will be familiar with some foods that will help our body to increase in height.

the bean

Beans are one of the most nutritious foods. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. All these elements help in the formation of body tissues and muscles. As a result our body height increases.


Due to its slightly bitter taste, this vegetable is not a favorite food for many. But this green vegetable has an important role in increasing our physical height. Vitamin C, fiber, iron, antioxidants present in it help to increase our height.

the dynasties

Among the vegetables that are helpful in increasing height, gourd is one of them. Drumsticks contain adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, water and fiber. All these ingredients multiply the effectiveness of growth hormone which helps in increasing height.


This winter vegetable is very tasty and popular with everyone. Everyone big and small likes to eat beans. Beans are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, lutein and protein which help in normal body growth and increase height.


Another source of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and fat is turnip. Turnip is a very favorite vegetable for many people. But those who want to increase their height, should also eat enough turnips.


Cabbage is created in a wonderful process of nature. It is a seasonal vegetable. So when you get this vegetable try to eat enough. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals, iron, protein and fiber, which play a role in increasing height as well as preventing cancer.


Almost everyone is a vegetarian. Among them, spinach has a special value. It is rich in vitamins, fiber and minerals that help us grow physically. Regular consumption of spinach will increase height in few days.

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