The Dhaka Times Desk Mobile Number Portability (MNP) has been introduced in Bangladesh, i.e. the facility to change the operator while keeping the mobile number.
Due to this facility, the customer of any mobile operator can migrate to another operator without changing the number. However, certain rules must be followed to get this special benefit. Those rules are in today's report.
As the customer will switch from one operator to another, the operator he wants to switch to will have to procure a new SIM from that operator. Also what else needs to be done is:
# First the customer has to appear at the customer service center of the operator to which he wants to migrate. At this time, the SIM used in the previous operator should also be kept with it.
# then the desired operator will contact the previous operator online and apply for the new operator. This whole process will be through online.
# New porting of numbers will be done by Number Portability Clearing House after clearance of old operator.
# Customer will not need his national identity card and photograph to complete this process. The process will be done through fingerprint. However, operators have advised customers to carry their National Identity Card or its copy.
It may take up to 10 minutes to complete the entire process to get a # new SIM. However, it may take a minimum of 1 hour to a maximum of 72 hours to activate the new SIM.
# postpaid subscribers cannot switch to prepaid or prepaid subscribers switching to new operators.
In case of # postpaid subscribers, if there is any outstanding bill with the old operator, the operator cannot be changed unless the same is paid.
# mobile balance and internet data in old operator will never be added to SIM in new operator. So it is wise to go to a new operator only after completing the balance and data of the old SIM. However, if the balance remains in the old operator's SIM for some reason, then BTRC is making a rule to keep it in that SIM for two years. If the customer switches back to the previous operator within two years, he will get the balance. If not returned, the money will be deposited in the government treasury.
# বিটিআরসি’র নিয়মে বলা হয়েছে, একবার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করার ৯০ দিনের মধ্যে আর দ্বিতীয়বার অপারেটর পরিবর্তন করা যাবে না।
Find out the fees or charges
158 to be incurred by the customer to switch operator. These amounts should be calculated as SIM change fee, tax and VAT.
Note that this Mobile Number Portability (MNP) service is available in a total of 72 countries around the world including Bangladesh.
This post was last modified on জুন ২১, ২০২০ 9:33 pm
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