The Dhaka Times
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'Miss World Bangladesh' Aishee will represent the 'Miss World' pageant

Jannatul Ferdous Oishi will represent Bangladesh in the 'Miss World Bangladesh' contest.

The Dhaka Times Desk Every year various criticisms are heard about the ``Miss World Bangladesh'' competition. However, there has been no criticism so far this year. Jannatul Ferdous Oishi took away the winner's crown after beating 30,000 contestants. She will represent Bangladesh in the 'Miss World' pageant.

‘মিস ওয়ার্ল্ড বাংলাদেশ’ ঐশী ‘বিশ্ব সুন্দরী’ প্রতিযোগিতায় প্রতিনিধিত্ব করবেন 1

The Miss World Bangladesh pageant was held without any controversy. Jannatul Ferdous Oishi became the first in this year's event. Aishe has won the crown of the winner by beating 30 thousand contestants. This grand competition was organized last Sunday night at Rajdarshan Hall of Bashundhara Convention City in the capital.

Jannatul Ferdous Oishi will represent Bangladesh in the 'Miss World Bangladesh' pageant.

After winning the crown, Aishe told the media, I feel very good, I am grateful to everyone. I remember the culture of the country. I love the country, I love the culture of the country. For so long I was fighting for myself. Now I will fight for the country. It is a big responsibility for me. So I am asking for prayers from everyone.

Jannatul Ferdous Oishi will represent Bangladesh in the main event of China's 'Miss World' pageant on December 8 due to becoming ``Miss World Bangladesh''.

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