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Nadia and Mukwez won the Nobel Peace Prize this year

Nadia and Mukwez were honored for their campaign to raise awareness around sexual violence and harassment around the world

The Dhaka Times Desk This year, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Congolese midwife Denis Mukwazi and Nadia Murad, a Yazidi woman who was raped by militants.

এ বছর শান্তিতে নোবেল পেলেন নাদিয়া ও মুকওয়েজ 1

Nadia and Mukwez were honored for their campaign to raise awareness around sexual violence and harassment around the world. Yesterday (Friday) at 11 a.m. local time in Sweden, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the names of these two winners as this year's Nobel Peace Prize winners.

Note that since 1901, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded. Since then, the Nobel Prize has been announced 99 times. The Swedish Nobel Committee announces the winners of 5 categories out of 6 categories of the award, but the Nobel Peace Prize is announced by the Norwegian Committee. So far only one person has refused the Nobel Prize. He is Vietnamese revolutionary, diplomat and political figure Lee Dak Tho. 24 institutions have also been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Although the names of the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize this year have not been disclosed, the committee has informed that there are 331 names on the list. Among them were 216 individuals and 115 institutions. Like every year, there were rumors about the potential winners.

This year, in the list of possible winners in the international press, the names of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, South Korean President Moon Jae-in, US President Donald Trump, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, imprisoned Saudi blogger Rafi Badawi, Congolese doctor Denis Mukwez, etc.
