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The mummy found in Iran is believed to be Reza Shah Pahlavi, the father of the king

The Dhaka Times Desk A mummy has been found near Tehran, the capital of Iran. It is most likely believed to be Reza Shah Pahlavi, the father of the last king to ascend the throne of the country. His family also informed this information. Construction workers discovered the mummy while building a religious institution in Shahr-e-Ray, southern Iran, on Monday.

Various pictures of the mummy have been published in the media. Reza Pahlavi, the grandson of Reza Shah Pahlavi, who lives in the United States, said that the mummy is Reza Shah's. In a Twitter message, he called for the family to be given an opportunity to conduct a forensic investigation into the mummy.

He also said that he should be buried in a known place, not as a ruler of modern Iran or as a former king, but as a former army officer. Reza Shah's mausoleum was located in Shahr-e-Ray area. However, after the Islamic revolution in 1979, his tomb was demolished.

The chairman of Tehran's culture heritage committee said that the former leader's mummy is likely to be. However, some media have disputed this claim. The mummy was discovered nearly four decades after the fall of the Shah dynasty in Iran during the Islamic Revolution. Reza Shah came to power through a military coup in 1921

Who was Reza Shah?

Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi is a famous king of Iran. He was born on October 26, 1919 in Tehran. On February 11, 1979, he lost power as a result of the Islamic Revolution. He is the child of Reza Pahlavi Reza Pahlavi and his second wife Taj Ul Mulk. At the age of 11, he enrolled in a Swiss boarding school called Institut Le Rose to further his education. After four years of study, he returned to Iran in 1936 with a high school diploma. He was then enrolled in the local military academy in Tehran and served there until 1938.

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He came to power on 16 September 1941 during World War II. At that time, Anglo-Soviet forces forced his father, Reza Shah, to abdicate. He holds the title Shahanshah. He also received the title of Ariam, Bozorg Arteshtaran. He was the second emperor of the Iranian Empire and the last emperor of the Pahlavi family. Iran's oil industry was briefly nationalized during his tenure. As ruler, he introduced the White Revolution, which revolved around economic, social and political restructuring. He also transformed Iran into a global power and modernized state-controlled industries and granted women's suffrage. As a secularist Muslim, he lost Shia support, clashed with the working class, businessmen known as bazaris, maintained relations with Israel, and entangled the ruling elite in corruption. Moreover, adopting various controversial policies, banning the socialist party Tudeh Party and bringing the intelligence agency SAVAK into politics. State statistics show that 2,200 political activists were sent to prison in 1978, resulting in the Islamic coup. His differences with the Islamists surrounding the US and UK-backed government led to an increase in communist activity. As a result of political unrest, the revolution took place on 17 January 1979 and he was forced to leave Iran. As a result, the Iranian monarchy was officially abolished and Iran became the Islamic Republic under the leadership of Mullah Khomeini. When he returned to Iran, he would be aware of the impending death sentence, so he lived in exile in Egypt. He died in Cairo. He was buried with state honors by the then president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat. The Pahlavi family, Anwar Sadat, Richard Nixon and Constantine II of Greece were present.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ৭, ২০১৮ 11:13 pm

Shahriar Siam

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