Categories: Science-invention

New seahorses discovered in Japan

The Dhaka Times Desk A new member has been added to the 'Singnathida' family. Fishes of this family have always been a source of human curiosity for their physical structure, size, color and peculiar character. Pipefish, pipehorse, seadragon all belong to this family. The new addition is the seahorse.

In Japan, the land of the rising sun, it is called the 'Japan Pig'. Although seahorses are not new to Japan. But it is of a new species, of new characteristics.

Japan pig belongs to seahorse species. So far seven have been identified. They are famous for their small size. The new seahorse is only about 15 millimeters long. So small that this seahorse is equal to a grain of rice! News from "It's so small that two or three of my fingernails fit," says Graham Short, a biologist at the California Academy of Sciences.

Graham led the research on this new species.
People know very little about this seahorse. In Japan, they are also called bento seahorses. Although it is not a rare animal, this species is new. Graham said these seahorses are very active, funny and playful. This seahorse is a unique example of marine biodiversity. Such creatures abound in the seas of Japan. So far 53 species of animals belonging to the Syngnathidae family have been found there. These include ten species of seahorses, four of which are truly tiny.
Graham also said that the small stature, color variation gave them a different status. This species of seahorse is truly remarkable. Relatively large seahorses can be kept in ordinary aquariums. The growing popularity of these seahorses kept in aquariums is due to traditional Chinese medicine. He also said that it is very difficult to find this new species of seahorse.

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৩, ২০১৮ 11:55 am

Shahriar Siam

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