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I am the most bullied victim in the world: Melania Trump

In a recent exclusive interview with the ABC channel, Melania said this in response to a question about cyberbullying or online harassment.

The Dhaka Times Desk US First Lady Melania Trump has come up for discussion many times on various issues. This time he once again made headlines with a comment. He said, I am the most bullied victim in the world!

আমিই বিশ্বে সবচেয়ে উত্ত্যক্তের শিকার: মেলানিয়া ট্রাম্প 1

US First Lady Melania Trump has come up for discussion many times on various issues. This time, the 48-year-old American fast lady has once again created a stir by making a sensational comment.

In a recent exclusive interview with the ABC channel, in response to a question about cyber bullying or online harassment, Melania said that she is probably the most harassed woman in the world. The main part of the interview given last Thursday was published by ABC channel.

Melania Trump made her first solo trip to several African countries as US First Lady last week. His visit is to promote his own 'Be Best' campaign and work on women and children's health. Going there, Melania Trump gave an interview on that channel.

In the interview, US First Lady Melania said, "I am the most harassed victim in the world." Melania was asked at this time, 'Are you really the victim of the most bullied in the world? Melania replied, 'If you really see what people say about me, you'll understand everything.' However, US First Lady Melania Trump did not say anything else in detail about this.

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