The Dhaka Times Desk The human brain is a complex mechanism. However, by using this complex process, people are managing their brain in various tasks. To use the brain properly, we need to keep the brain active. Today we will know how to keep our brain active.
1. Dance regularly Dancing helps a lot to keep our brain active. Dancing for some time every day naturally increases the performance of our brain. According to a report from Albert Einstein College in New York City, America, dancing provides oxygen and energy to our brain.
2. Do small chores around the house: We can do a lot of housework in our free time. Take gardening, cleaning the house, etc. These activities keep our brain active all the time.
3. Do something new: Start doing something that your brain is not active, then your brain will be more active.
4. Laugh for a while It is very important to laugh some time a day to supply oxygen to the brain. Just like laughing makes our mind happy, our brain is also active. A study by Loma Linda University in California, USA found that if you laugh some time every day, the ability of the brain to learn and remember something increases by 38 percent.
5. Eating fish: Eating fish twice a week is very good for health. Eating fish increases the brain's IQ and keeps the brain active for enough time.
6. Driving on an unfamiliar road: Normally our brains are not that active when we are on the roads that we travel regularly. However, driving on a new road activates the brain cells and keeps them active.
7. Drinking coffee: If you drink 3 cups of coffee regularly, the brain performance increases a lot compared to normal. At the same time, the brain is active in performing its functions.
8. Adequate use of turmeric in cooking: Turmeric protects the brain from any kind of infectious disease. So use turmeric regularly in cooking to keep the brain active and increase the energy of the tone.
9. Green leafy vegetables: Eating green leafy vegetables regularly keeps the brain active and increases its performance. Because vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals which are very important for our health.
10. Break the rules and do something new Try to do different daily routines a little differently. Then the brain will become more active.
Besides, exercise is necessary for everyone. Exercising in the morning keeps our body and brain active throughout the day.
This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ১৬, ২০১৮ 11:00 am
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