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'I want to act in Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's biopic' - Jaya

"If you go to the hall and see 'Devi', only then will we succeed."

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular fiction writer Humayun Ahmed's novel 'Devi' has now been adapted to the big screen. Jaya Ahsan played the main role of Ranu in 'Devi'. He 'wants to act in Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's biopic'.

‘প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার বায়োপিকে অভিনয় করতে চাই’ -জয়া 1

Not only acting, Jaya has written her name in the book of production for the first time through the film 'Devi'. The film 'Devi' directed by Anam Biswas released across the country on October 19.

Before the release of 'Devi', Jaya confidently said, 'If you go and see 'Devi', we will be successful.' Success is knocking at his door. The reason is that after the release of 'Devi', the cinema hall has been crowded. And this is the big proof that the film will be successful. Tickets are bought a day in advance to see the film. All the shows are house full. As if Jaya could have foreseen the matter.

Presently Jaya spends morning, afternoon and evening visiting cinema halls. Tirelessly hitting the city halls to get the audience's reaction. The audience is also expressing joy and happiness to see him in the cinema hall. Not only Dhaka city, Jaya has recently visited cinema halls in Joydevpur, Tongi and Mymensingh. He promised to come again.

Jaya is producing for the first time, so she is under a bit of pressure. He said, 'There was a little pressure. Ever since I read the novel 'Devi' in my childhood, I had a different fascination. I thought to myself, if someone made 'Devi' then I would have wanted to act as Ranu. But no one was making the film 'Devi'. So at one time I decided to dare to produce it myself. Once the decision was made, the task was not very easy. I had to take up one challenge after another. Had to do different struggles.'

Jaya commented that there is a difference between the 'Goddess' of the novel and the 'Goddess' of the film. He said, 'The taste that the reader gets from reading 'Devi' in the novel, will be the same in the film, but it may not feel the same. The reason is that there are some differences between the language of literature and the language of the light-camera.'

‘প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার বায়োপিকে অভিনয় করতে চাই’ -জয়া 2

The life of the novel 'Devi' is the character of Misir Ali. This time, Chanchal Chowdhury appeared on the screen as Misir Ali. This challenge was taken up by producer Jaya Ahsan. He said, 'When working with an iconic character, there are many ideas in the beginning. There are many thoughts. Same happened to me. Finally Chanchal Chowdhury seemed perfect. See, 'Devi' will not be like other eight-ten films. But as you get entertainment by watching other films, I assure you will get the same by watching this film.'

Do you remember the character of 'Padma' in the movie 'Visaarjan'? The role played by Jaya Ahsan shook Bengal! This actress Jaya, who has won everyone's hearts with dedication, will also be seen in the sequel of this film, Vijaya. But for now he is busy winning the hearts of the audience with 'Devi'.

Jaya wrote on Facebook that, 'Devi is soaking in the love of the audience!' Having received so much love, I am still longing for more. To a question whether she wants to act in someone's biopic or not, Jaya freely said, 'I want to act in Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's biopic. The events of his childhood, adolescence attract me very much. Jaya wants to play the roles of many more celebrities.

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