Categories: health talk

Foods that are harmful to eat on an empty stomach

The Dhaka Times Desk All foods are good for the body, but eating certain foods on an empty stomach can do more harm than good. We usually take any food in the morning but don't know which foods are more harmful to eat on an empty stomach. Today we will discuss some foods that we should never eat on an empty stomach.

1. Banana:

Studies have shown that eating 2 bananas daily does not make the body feel tired throughout the day. Banana is a fruit that is mostly water. However, bananas should not be eaten on an empty stomach. Because bananas contain magnesium. By eating bananas on an empty stomach, this magnesium causes an imbalance between magnesium and calcium in the blood, which interferes with the body's normal activity.

2. Tea and Coffee:

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Many people have a habit of drinking tea or coffee after waking up in the morning. But you should never drink tea or coffee like this on an empty stomach. Because tea or coffee contains acid and caffeine that can damage the lining of the stomach if consumed on an empty stomach. So after eating something like bread or biscuits and drinking water you should drink tea or coffee.

3. Food rich in spices:

Food rich in spices should never be eaten on an empty stomach. Because this spice-rich food can cause stomach ulcers if eaten on an empty stomach. So if you want to eat such food in the morning, first drink 1 glass of water and after some time you can eat such food.

4. Cold-drink:

Never drink cold drinks in the morning on an empty stomach. It contains a lot of carbonated acid which causes nausea and heartburn.

5. Tomato:

Tomato has a reputation as a delicious food. However, eating tomatoes on an empty stomach can cause stomach stones to mix together with the gastrointestinal acid in the stomach and the acid in the tomato. So tomatoes should never be eaten on an empty stomach.

6. Yogurt:

A delicious food is curd. The probiotic content of yogurt is healthy. But it is very harmful for health if consumed on an empty stomach. Because eating yogurt on an empty stomach can be one of the causes of upset stomach.

7. Medicines:

Except for some gas medicines, other medicines should be taken after food. Because all those medicines can cause serious damage to the stomach if taken on an empty stomach. And this is why doctors prohibit taking other medicines on an empty stomach except for gas medicines.

Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. Then you can eat other healthy foods. Drinking water in the morning keeps body temperature normal and stomach is good. After drinking water something else should be eaten.

This post was last modified on জুন ৭, ২০২৩ 4:51 pm

Raihan Malitha

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