Do you know the correct use of To, Cc and Bcc in e-mail?

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many people who have been using mail for years but do not know the proper use of Cc and Bcc in mail. Even if someone knows something, they have to get into trouble because they don't use it properly. Today we will learn about the correct use of To, Cc and Bcc in e-mail.

আপনি কি ই-মেইলের To, Cc এবং Bcc এর সঠিক ব্যবহার জানেন? 1আপনি কি ই-মেইলের To, Cc এবং Bcc এর সঠিক ব্যবহার জানেন? 1

To is used to send e-mails to specific people. In this case you can send the same mail to multiple people. In that case everyone can see each other's mail address. This does not preserve privacy.

Cc Its full form is carbon copy, that is, when you send a mail to someone, if you think that some other people need to be informed about this mail. In that case you can put those people's mail address in Cc. This will allow everyone who is Cc'd to see each other's mail addresses and know which other people you have Cc'd. Cc has some issues. There are many people who are not willing to share their email address with everyone. But when you put his mail address in Cc, everyone else in Cc is knowing his mail address. Another big problem is that when one of the recipients of your mail replies, if he clicks Reply to all to reply, his reply will go to everyone. Which many people don't like.

Bcc Its full form is Blind Carbon Copy, that is, when sending the same mail to many people, if you add more than one person to Bcc, then the mail will go to all of them. But no one can see who this mail is sent to. So each recipient can see only himself in Bcc and not others mail address. The advantage of Bcc is that you can send an email to everyone at once, keeping everyone's email address secret. As a result, one's mail address is not leaked to others. And while replying to the mail, there will be only Reply button, not Reply to all. As a result, others will not be able to see the replay of the mail. So we will use Bcc to send the same mail to many people and maintain privacy.

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১১, ২০২০ 2:54 pm

Raihan Malitha

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