Japan is making an elevator to go to space!

The Dhaka Times Desk Although it is surprising, a Japanese company has announced that they have undertaken a plan to build a huge elevator from the earth to the space station, which will be 96 thousand kilometers long!

This proposed space elevator of the Japanese company will be operational by the year 2050. They said that carbon nanotubes will be used to make this elevator and this tube will take people, food, or equipment from Earth to space in a capsule.

For a long time, Russian and American scientists have been trying to figure out how to go directly from Earth to space without a launch vehicle. An international summit in this regard was held in 2012, but the results are still zero. However, the Japanese company has left the space giant Russia and America behind Obayashi Corporation They announced that within the next 40 years they will install lift tubes from space to earth and by doing this it will be possible to take various things including people from earth to space at a very low cost.

meanwhile 2012 International Research Of course saying it sounds strange and impossible but in reality it is possible. They say carbon nanotubes could make this project a reality. The stiffness and flexibility of carbon nanotubes is determined by thermal conductivity, i.e. normally the tube will be rigid but when the capsule is placed in it, it will become slightly flexible under special heat which will help the capsule to rise up.

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Although 2050 has been taken for this project, it can be seen by the people of the world by 2030 if the research is successful. And by doing this, it will be possible to send various things including people into space safely at a very low cost. Later, it will be possible to send people to different destinations in different space vehicles from the station there.

যদি সত্যি এটা সম্ভব হয় তবে হয়তো পৃথিবীবাসী নতুন যুগের সম্মুখীন হতে যাচ্ছে। কারন এই লিফট মহাকাশের পাশাপাশি আমাদের আকাশ সীমায়ও বসানো হতে পারে এবং আকাশে স্থাপিত লিফটে চড়েই এক দেশ থেকে অন্য দেশে যাওয়াও অসম্ভব কিছুই হবেনা। যা শুনতে অনেকটা সাইন্স ফিকশন চলচিত্রের কাহিনী মনে হতেই পারে সবার কাছে…

formula- sciencealert

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২২, ২০২৪ 2:39 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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