Your smartphone can become a webcam!

The Dhaka Times Desk Your smartphone can become a webcam! But how? Today this report is made to know this. So let's find out what else.

As the technology improves, so many opportunities are increasing. You can also take advantage of those opportunities. Today we will discuss about webcam. A webcam is a camera attached to a computer monitor. But this webcam has many aspects. Among the technologies, this webcam is currently especially useful in our office or home. However, due to the wide spread and use of the Internet, webcams have become a very necessary part of devices such as personal computers these days. A webcam is basically a type of video camera that provides still images and video footage from a computer to a computer network.

We see on social media that many people are sitting in front of the computer and talking live, this is done with the help of webcam. We can call the front camera of our smartphone as smartphone webcam. The reason is that by using a physical webcam on a computer, online video streaming is done, communication with people is maintained through social media, in the same way it is possible to do this with the front camera of a smartphone.

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The webcam that you have externally on your computer or internally on your laptop is a simple video camera. A webcam is basically a camera module connected to a computer with a simple USB cable. He simply sends the images and footage to the computer. It is then up to the computer to decide how that data is used.

However, there are many times when you have a computer or laptop, but there is no camera in it. To handle this situation you can use your smartphone as a webcam. In this case, the software we will use is called DroidCam and IP Webcam.

How do I do this?

# First connect your mobile phone and your computer to the same WiFi network.

# will then download an Android application of DroidCam from the Google Play Store and then install it.

# then open the software on your computer, and also on the Android mobile. Now an IP will show on your mobile phone.

# Now this IP must be installed in the computer software. Then your Android smartphone will become your wireless webcam. But you can use the mobile phone as a webcam through the USB cable by setting the USB cable to the system in the software.

Now let's take a look at how to use IP Webcam:

# requires your mobile phone and your computer to be connected to the same WiFi network.

Install # IP Webcam app on your mobile phone from play store.

# Close all other camera apps running in the background. Force Stop if necessary.

1 Launch the TP5T IP Webcam app and scroll down and click on Start Server now.

# Now the camera will launch in the app and you will see a URL there.

# Now type that URL in any browser from your computer and search it.

In # browser you will see a drop down menu next to Video Renderer, then select Browser there.

Under # you will see Audio renderer, there you select HTML Wav.

In this way you can easily become your smartphone webcam!

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০২০ 3:01 pm

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