Categories: international news

Khashoggi was very close to revealing the secret information of Saudi Arabia!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various discussions have been going on for the whole month about the journalist Jamal Khashoggi of Saudi Arabia. After Khashoggi was killed, various information emerged. The latest information is that Khashoggi was very close to revealing the secret information of Saudi Arabia!

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi has been discussed for the whole month. After the assassination of Khashoggi, various information emerged. The latest information is that Khashoggi was very close to revealing the secret information of Saudi Arabia! And for those reasons he is considered to have been removed.

Citing an information from Perstude, the news media said that the slain Saudi Arabian dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi had come very close to revealing information about the chemical attack by the Saudi forces in Yemen.

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British newspaper weekly Sunday Express said a close friend of Khashoggi, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he was going to get important 'documentary evidence' about the chemical attack from his friend Jamal Khashoggi. It contained evidence of chemical attacks by Saudi forces in Yemen.

Khashoggi's friend also said, ``I met Khashoggi a week before he was killed. He was very unhappy and he was also worried.

When Jamal Khashoggi asked the reason for his unhappiness, he said, ``Actually, he didn't want to give any answer. But in the end, he said, he was collecting evidence about the use of chemical weapons by Saudi Arabia.

A Saudi journalist was killed on October 2 at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey while on his way to work. Saudi Arabia initially denied but later admitted to killing Khashoggi. However, Saudi Arabia makes a lame argument that Khashoggi was killed at some stage of the dispute. But Turkey has the audio record of killing Khashoggi. In order to get evidence, Khashoggi was tortured and killed! Today, Saudi Arabia's image is in crisis worldwide for this heinous act. Saudi Arabia has denied the involvement of the Saudi crown prince in the incident.

This post was last modified on October 30, 2018 10:24 am

Staff reporter

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