The Dhaka Times Desk After the birth, the parents have to be busy to marry the daughter! What a strange country! There is news of such a strange country today. In a country where girls have to get married soon after birth.
The Oroma community of Kenya. According to their policy, parents marry off their daughters immediately after birth. This practice of marrying off daughters soon after their birth is called 'Darara'. This 'Darara' tradition has been going on in the Oroma community for hundreds of years.
This marriage custom of that community is really strange. A 13-year-old groom Ibrahim was married by his father with a newborn baby girl! Their marriage ceremony is held by placing the tree vine on the hands of the girl child.
Father Abdi Adona said about the marriage of his newborn daughter, from now on my daughter will grow up and wait for Ibrahim. Even if I die, no other person can marry her except Ibrahim. This is our rule or custom.
Abdi Adona also said that no one will look at her from now on because of her newly born daughter's marriage. My daughter's future is completely secured. If there is any danger to him, the two families will come together. The bond between both the families will become stronger. But the father knows well what will be good for the girl. That is, father's desire is daughter's desire.
The Oroma community lives on the banks of the Tana River in southeastern Kenya. A large part of this community is again followers of Islam! People of this community give their newly born daughter in marriage to the child in this way.
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৮, ২০১৮ 10:16 am
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