The Dhaka Times Desk Hair is one of the noblest symbols of women's beauty. Everyone wants to maintain the beauty of their hair. But winter has come. Now you can't keep the beauty of your hair like that. Because hair loses its moisture in dry weather in winter. As a result, the natural beauty of the hair is lost.
It is possible to maintain this beauty of hair in this winter season by adopting several methods. Today we will discuss some such winter hair tips.
1. Use of Glycerin Shampoo:
Glycerin shampoo is needed to retain moisture in the hair in winter. Glycerin keeps hair moisturized. Glycerin shampoo also works well to restore vitality to damaged and smooth hair.
2. Avoid blow drying on wet hair:
Blow drying is never good for hair. But it should be avoided in winter. Because the weather is already dry in winter, blow drying on top of that naturally damages the hair. However, if you need to dry your hair more quickly, you can use a dryer.
3. Use of silk pillow covers:
Replace your pillow cover with a silk cover to protect your hair this winter. Silk will not strip your hair of moisture.
4. Use of leave-in conditioner before exercise:
Usually hair gets wet due to sweating during exercise. But this sweat contains sodium, which dries out the hair quickly. You can use a leave-in conditioner before exercise to keep your hair moisturized. This conditioner does not need to be rinsed off. Being somewhat gel-like, it is easy to apply to hair anytime.
5. Uses of Castor Oil and Vitamin-E Capsules:
Many people have hair fall problem in winter. So to prevent hair loss, warm coconut oil with castor oil together. When it cools down, mix it with vitamin-E capsules and use it on your hair.
6. To get rid of dandruff:
Dandruff is usually more common in winter. So make a paste of a handful of jaba leaves and an equal amount of henna leaves to keep your scalp free from dandruff. Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in it, apply it well on the hair and leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off.
7. Let the sun shine
Winter mornings usually have vitamin D in the sunlight before 11 am. So let the sun shine on the hair during this period. It will stop hair fall and maintain the luster of the hair.