The Dhaka Times
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Anant Jalil gave jobs to three visually impaired

Apart from involvement with the film industry, this popular actor Anant Jalil is engaged in various social development activities

The Dhaka Times Desk Actor, director and producer Anant Jalil spoke. As he promised, Anant Jalil gave employment to three visually impaired people in his company.

তিন দৃষ্টিপ্রতিবন্ধীকে চাকরি দিলেন অনন্ত জলিল 1

Anant Jalil thinks that the disabled are not a boon to the society, they can earn a living by working. This actor Anant Jalil did this great work to establish such a statement in the society. Not only that, he also requested other rich people to get involved in such social work by giving the job.

It is to be noted that in April of this year, actor Anant Jalil announced the employment of 5 visually impaired students in a debate competition titled 'Yukti Aloya Dhi' about the visually impaired. The competition was organized by 'Debate for Democracy'.

Philanthropist actor Anant Jalil spoke as the chief guest on the opening day of the competition between the visually impaired debaters of Dhaka University and Chittagong University, broadcast on ATN Bengali. Chairman of the organizing organization Debate for Democracy Hasan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiran presided over the event.

Apart from involvement with the film industry, this popular filmmaker Anant Jalil, who is engaged in various social development activities, enthralled the guests and TV audience with such promises on stage to the visually impaired students.

On that occasion, he said that the knowledge, intelligence and acumen possessed by these visually impaired students cannot be found or is not present in many sighted people.

তিন দৃষ্টিপ্রতিবন্ধীকে চাকরি দিলেন অনন্ত জলিল 2

At that time, responding to the request of Hasan Ahmed Chowdhury Kiran, the organizer of the competition, Anant Jalil immediately announced the employment of 5 visually impaired students in his institution.

To keep that promise, he has recently given employment to 3 visually impaired people in his company. He cited the reason why it took several months for the declaration to be implemented, because it took time to create employment opportunities for the disabled.

Anant Jalil said, 'At that time I promised to give employment to 5 visually impaired people in my company. To that end I have created several areas for their work.

Kiran Sahib has given me 3 visually impaired people for now. I am hiring them. If it is possible to create more fields later, maybe a few more will get a chance.

He clearly said that since I work in the garment industry, doing business, it is very difficult to work with any kind of disability here. But they are people too.

Anant Jalil said, it is not a favor, but it is the responsibility of the rich to work according to their merit. I stood by them to the best of my ability to urge that responsibility. If others also come forward in this way, then the disabled will not be a blessing, but will be able to earn a living by working, and will be able to survive in the society.'

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