The Dhaka Times Desk Japan to send world's first talking robot It has been announced that the robot will be sent in August this year. The robot has been named kibo Which means Hope in English.
Their manufacturing company is based in Tokyo The Kirobo Project (Kirobo Project) named the robot as Kibo. Kibo can speak like a human. Kibo is much smaller in size than other robots sent into space. Primarily for space communication, the robot is designed to allow humans to talk to space-borne robots and collect useful research data. Measuring just 34 centimeters (13 inches) tall and weighing 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds), the robot is versatile. The robot is designed in such a way that the conversation can learn various things through it.
Yorichika Nishijima, Kirobo project manager, said, "Russia is the first spacewalker, the United States is the first to set foot on the moon, and we, the Japanese, are sending the first talking robot astronauts into space that can converse with humans." Tomotaka Takahashi, CEO of RoboGarage Company and associate professor at the University of Tokyo, expressed hope that this robot will soon work alongside human astronauts in space.
Many think that to be a robot that can be sent to space, it should be durable and large in size. The manufacturer explains the background and rationale for making small-scale talking robots. The only function of the talking robot will be to stay in space and communicate with the Earth. Talking robots will not participate in any other type of work in space that requires physical dexterity.
During the demonstration of this new type of robot, Toyota Company Project General Manager Fuminon Kataoka asked the talking robot about its dreams. To everyone's surprise, Kirobo replies, I dream of a world where robots and humans live together.
References: Star Tribune
This post was last modified on জুন ৩০, ২০১৩ 3:06 pm
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