The Dhaka Times Desk Such a question may come to many people's minds. And that is why zebras have striped spots? Recently, new research papers have been published in two American journals on the subject.
At different times, the question has come from where the stripes of the zebra come from? Why did it come? Various researches have been going on for a long time. Recently, new research papers have been published in two American journals on this issue.
Just like everyone's fingerprints are different, zebra stripes are different too! There is no similarity between the spots of one zebra and the spots of another zebra.
According to the study, the striped spots on the zebras are used as camouflage to confuse the predators, this is what several scientists said. But there is a lot of mystery about whether there is actually a gene behind this scar or not.
According to a report of the famous Indian daily Anandabazar, the zebra originated more than two million years ago. At first, scientists thought that the stripes on their bodies were due to some reason, such as adaptation. Later scientists got 17 more theories.
It is reported that the University of California-Davis wildlife biologist team has found the reasons based on different temperatures and regions. Researchers claim that zebras have stripes to repel poisonous tsetse and other flies.
According to their study, the density of zebra stripes increased when the prevalence of flies increased. A report of the study was published in the journal Nature Communications. A 2012 study by European scientists offered the same theory.
A group of US scientists led by Brenda Larison is researching zebra stripes. According to them, the number and density of these stripes is largely determined by the temperature of the environment in which zebras live.
They then found that the stripes of zebras in relatively warm environments appeared thicker. Also used throughout the body.
In countries like South Africa and Namibia where the winters are relatively cold, zebra stripes are much less common. Relatively thin, the color is also very light. In some cases, legs, some parts of the body have almost no striped spots. Elsewhere in Africa, the opposite is true.
Larison believes that thermoregulation or body temperature control is the main reason for the zebra's striped spots and the specific characteristics of those spots.
Princeton University professor Daniel Rubenstein said that zebras of the same size have an external body temperature that is much lower than that of other animals such as antelopes. However, this theory has recently been rejected by a group of research scientists.
On the other hand, the scientist Gavor Horbath of the University of Jotovos Llorand in Hungary and the research team of Veterinary Medicine in Hungary, Lund University in Sweden said that temperature has nothing to do with zebra stripes.
After testing through several barrels, they found that zebra stripes never lowered the body's 'core temperature'. The reason is that there is no change in the internal temperature of the concentric striped barrel and the zebra striped barrel over the same whitish ash color.
Scientists continue to study the role of melanin pigment and genes behind these striped spots on zebras. No exact or specific cause has been established so far. But the researchers continued their research. They believe that one day they will be able to uncover the exact reason for zebra stripes.
This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৮, ২০১৮ 9:41 am
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