Categories: international news

The crashed 'Indonesian Lion' plane was not fit to fly!

The Dhaka Times Desk The country's investigative agency said that the crashed 'Indonesian Lion' Boeing-737 Max-8 plane was not suitable for flight!

The crashed Boeing-737 Max-8 of Indonesia's Lion Air was unfit for flight due to a malfunction, according to the country's investigative agency. Investigators from the country's National Transport Safety Committee, KNKT, said on Wednesday that the plane was not ready to fly. For that reason, flight JT-610 should have been actually grounded.

KNKT chief Nurchahio Utomo said that the plane had also experienced a malfunction on another flight the previous day on October 29. However, even though there was nothing wrong with it at that time, the plane crashed the very next day.

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He also said that the anti-stall system of the aircraft went off while the flight was taking off the previous day. Then the pilot decided to land it before reaching the destination. But it didn't have to be done later. However, in our opinion, the plane was not fit to fly the next day.

It should be noted that this Lion Air plane crashed in the Java Sea shortly after taking off on October 29 with 189 passengers. Two newborns, 1 child, 2 pilots, 6 cabin crew and all of the aircraft died.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ২৯, ২০১৮ 9:02 am

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